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Eye blink in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2018-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: blink of an eyeeyeballingenfeeblingdouble blindblinkblinksblinkerdouble-blind studyMeaning: n. a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly. 
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1. The grey eyes blinked, small and frightened.
2. Bernards, in an evolutionary eye blink.
3. One of his eyes blinked as it seemed to be studying his own sculpted nose.
4. His eyes blinked violently in a spasm that screwed up his face in rapid jerks.
5. His short-sighted eyes blinked at the stranger in his kitchen.
6. Between the dark shaggy locks of his head, more than a hundred eyes blinked and blazed.
7. He opened his eyes, blinked, and saw the bowl of mulled wine.
8. The first thing I saw when my eyes blinked into focus was an ant marching over a small stone.
9. Even sounds at night dominated us, as the firelight picked out bright eyes, blinking through the darkness.
10. Scathach stirred, sat up and rubbed his eyes, blinking at the dawn, scratching his beard.
11. The National Museum has an exhibit that makes my eyes blink.
12. My eye blink, only for you.
13. Blink an eye blink of an Qiaozhao East, it means that see it ?I was therefore named.
13. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
14. From medical findings, some physiological characters, such as eye blink, heart beat, blood pressure, EEG, etc, can reflect the fatigue level.
15. Something like an eye blink can be fast or slow.
16. God in the cloud is only a blink of an eye blink, all the outcome, they have been completely changed.
17. We'll begin this project by importing our elements and tracking various features of the face, including a difficult track through an eye blink.
18. But fate might also arrived to open a joke, God only cloud in the blink of an eye blink, the outcome of all, it has not completely changed.
19. Notice that just prior to the point at which she states "there is nothing hazardous in the outer solar system, " she makes a very long eye blink.
More similar words: blink of an eyeeyeballingenfeeblingdouble blindblinkblinksblinkerdouble-blind studyblink awayblinkersblinkingblinkeredunblinkingturn a blind eyeturn a blind eye tounblinkinglyeyeballeyebrowin the twinkling of an eyeeyebrow pencilfire blightpinkeyepublic eyein the public eyelinkeyelinerpublic key encryptionplinkslinkclink
Total 19, 30 Per page  1/1 
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